The Pros and Cons to Being a Grown-Up

I am 23 and it is very apparent to me that I am now definitely considered a grown-up – although I may not feel like one. In my head I am still a teenager, but the reality is that I am in a well-respected job which carries a lot of responsibility, I deal with bills and worry about money. I thought I would spend some time thinking about some of the pros and cons to being a grown-up before deciding if it is all it is cracked up to be!

Number One: Food

Pro – I can eat whatever I like, when I like.

Con – It is frowned upon to eat potato smiley faces and princess spaghetti when you are 23.

Pro – Nobody needs to know if I eat potato smiley faces and princess spaghetti because, as previously stated, I can eat whatever I like, when I like.

Overall: Pro

Number Two: Money

Pro – I earn more than just pocket money and don’t really have to save up if I want to buy something

Con – If I buy it without saving up, I will not be able to buy as much food that month

Pro – The following month I will get the same amount of money and can start buying again

Con – The money mainly goes on bills and I am left with very little again at the end of the month, spending most of my time worrying about money.

Overall: Con

Number Three: Having a Car

Pro – I have the freedom to go anywhere, whenever I wish, and it feels absolutely amazing

Con – Petrol, insurance, servicing and the car in general cost me a bloody fortune

Pro – I can sing at top volume when I’m driving around on my own

Overall: Pro

Number Four: Staying Up Late

Pro – I can potter about doing nothing or anything until the early hours of the morning

Con – If I do this, I suffer in the morning when I have to get up, hate myself for it, vow to get an early night that night and then repeat the entire thing again anyway.

Overall: Con

Number Five: Having a House

Pro – I am not forced to do chores by my parents

Con – I have to do the chores anyway whether I like it or not, and a hell of a lot more of them than I did when I was living with my parents

Pro – When the chores are done, it feels amazing living in my own lovely, clean and tidy house

Overall: Pro

Out of five of the categories, 3 are ‘pro’ and 2 are ‘con’, which means that being a grown-up is 60% a good thing and 40% a bad thing. That sounds about right!
